Musician Testimonials whose birth date falls in November

A compilation of musicians’ voices from around the world.

List by month of birth List of players

Introducing players who have a birthday in November.

  • 11/9

    Shinichiro Hikosaka

    he strap is so comfortable because it doesn't press on my neck.
    You can feel the obvious difference with heavier instrument like baritone, so it's really invaluable!
    Since I can play without much stress on my body, the sound carries better. I recommend it!

    Baritone saxophone, Quartet Spiritus / Tokyo Chutei Iki
    Yasuaki Shimizu & SAXOPHONETTES / Yoshihide Otomo Special Big Band

  • 11/10

    Takamasa Matsubara

    Since I started using BREATHTAKING, the stress on my neck is reduced, my breathing is not interrupted, and my range of expression has broadened.
    Try it once - you won't be able to give it up!
    And you will probably be able to have the best performance ever.

    Instructor, Showa University of Music
    Instructor, Ueno Gakuen University
    Soprano saxophone, Quartet Spiritus

  • 11/15

    Masahiro Fujioka

    A few years ago, I suffered from cervical herniation caused by using the conventional neck strap.
    After battling the pain for a year, I fully recovered.
    While recovering, I still had to perform so I was indebted to the BREATHTAKING Strap.
    The old model was kind to the neck and made my sound richer, so I liked it very much but the front bar seemed too thick.
    The bar in the new Lithe series is more subtle and stylish and I am grateful that I can easily adjust the length.
    The design around the neck has improved - it doesn't compress the neck. Therefore, compared to the old model, it makes the sound come out easier and resonate even better.
    It's so excellent! I love it.

    Yoshio Suzuki EAST BOUNCE / Nettai Jazz Gakudan