Musician Testimonials whose birth date falls in October

A compilation of musicians’ voices from around the world.

List by month of birth List of players

Introducing players who have a birthday in October.

  • 10/20

    Katsuki Tochio

    I've been playing the saxophone for forty-some years, and every year I tended to suffer from neck and back pain - particularly since I have been playing baritone more.
    I have given up trying to deal with this occupational disease. However, since I started using the BREATHTAKING Strap several years ago, I have been almost pain-free.
    I think many people have talked about the merits of using BREATHTAKING for better performance, but continuous use enables me to attest to the long-term physical benefits that I talked about.
    Thank you again!

    Tokyo Kosei Wind Orchestra/ Trio Kazaguruma
    Instructor of Saxophone, Musashino University of Music/ Seitoku University

  • 10/21

    Sumichika Arimura

    Ever since I was a student, I have tried different types of straps as I noticed that sound quality changed dramatically depending on the strap being used.
    However, I couldn't find one that could satisfy me 100% because each strap had its merits and demerits.
    However, BREATHTAKING is an ideal one.
    It's got everything: Comfortability, improved tone, good design, durability, body stress reduction.
    "A good tool is the best teacher"
    Not only does BREATHTAKING make playing fun, but also it's a strap that changes the future.

    Guest Lecturer, Nagoya College of Music
    Adjunct Instructor, Showa University of Music
    Adjunct Instructor, Senzoku Gakuen College of Music
    Instructor, Shobi College of Music
    Tenor Saxophone, Quatour B

  • 10/27

    Kenta Saito

    I first encountered the BREATHTAKING Strap through my former teacher during my middle school years.
    Since then, I've been drawn to the unique design and started using it in high school.
    The strap reduces stress on the body from the weight of the instrument, relieves pressure around the neck to allow for freer breathing (something that was always an issue with traditional straps), gives off a sensation of support of the instrument, and most importantly brings forth an unbelievable amount of change in sound in performance.
    The strap also adjusts seamlessly from one instrument type to another, something we as saxophonists have been stressed by before.
    The strap truly frees us from having to practice battling unnecessary aforementioned issues.

    I feel gratefuly to the team at BREATHTAKING for not only providing a product that shook the saxophone community by storm but also commits to improving the strap every day.

    This strap is incredible.

    Instructor, Senzoku Gakuen College of Music
    Founding Member, FIVE by FIVE
    Concertmaster, Blitz Philharmonc Winds