We’ve recently confirmed internet sales of counterfeit products posing to be from our company.
The counterfeit products do not meet our standards of quality and performance.
Even if the straps may look identical, their functionality differ significantly.
We cannot be held responsible for any accidents, product issues, loss, etc. on counterfeit products.
Please only purchase BREATHTAKING products from Authorized Retailers
We’re committed to cracking down on the circulation of counterfeit products and will continue to combat unlawful manufacturing and distribution of these products.
As of January 2024, we have attached “Authentic Product” hologram stickers to all products shipped overseas. When purchasing products outside of Japan, look for the stickers.
*products sold within Japan will not have the hologram stickers
From confirmed counterfeit products:
Parts and materials used are different
Packaging/manuals are different
Brand/model name are different
We’re committed to employing any legal means necessary to dissolve all copyright and patent infringements.
The rights of our brand name, BREATHTAKING and associated logos are have been officially registered through lawful mediums.
The unique design and front bar of the BREATHTAKING Strap are registered under the following patents in their respective countries:
Japan No. 4231896, No. 4296228
Germany No. 60-2007-037-391.3
France No. 2116994
United States No. 8978945